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I collected the wild garlic leaves in the Penz wood in Chiasso, then washed and dried them.
As dried fruit I used almonds, and as oil an excellent extra virgin olive oil, cold pressed and purchased in Sestri Levante (if you are interested it is called "Le Ginestre", from the Antico Frantoio di Carlo Bo) #anticofrantoiobo.


For the cheese there are two choices: Parmigiano Reggiano DOP aged 24 months or Grana Padano DOP Riserva aged over 20 months.


The prices of 95 or 175 g jars are:
with Parmigiano Reggiano 8/14 CHF
with Grana Padano 7/12 CHF
For 1 week it can be purchased fresh, then frozen.


For your curiosity, some info on this marvelous aromatic spontaneous herb, taken from
"The strong antibiotic action (much more effective than that of traditional garlic) is accompanied by the ability, tested and verified, of wild garlic to lower bad cholesterol present in the blood.
Furthermore, it has a powerful purifying, antifungal and antifungal action and is able to reduce the presence of heavy metals in the blood.
In addition to being a natural concentrate of vitamins, mineral salts and hormones, wild garlic is able to regulate the heartbeat, promote the correct functioning of the kidneys, prevent hair loss, soothe and purify the skin in depth. "
#anticofrantoioboto this address:

Penz wild garlic - Pesto

Nel caso il prodotto fosse esaurito lo puoi pre-ordinare
  • It can only be purchased frozen in the Genestrerio store.

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